Who manages all the IP Addresses ?
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) manages the IP address space allocations globally, it delegates 5 regional authorities to allocate these.
Different Classes of IP Address
IP addresses are divided into various classes A, B, or C There are also some private IP addresses put aside for various activities for example internal LAN networks would use these. See list below;IANA-reserved private IPv4 network ranges The three blocks of IP addresses which have been reserved for private networks are: - ;Class A - Class B - Class C
IP Class A addresses are for very large corporations or organisations government etc. A class A IP address starts with a first octet from 1 to 126 all in this range are part of this class. IP class B addresses have first octets with a decimal number from 128 to 191. IP class C addresses have first octets with a decimal number from 192 to 223. Normally ISP are allocated a set of these for their consumers.
Did you know
The term IP used in IP Address stands for Internet Protocol. There are many types of protocol used in computing IP is used for all Internet Traffic.
Types of Cookie
Session Cookie
When it comes to kicking out the cookies, the EU may have bitten off more than it can eschew, argues Eric Doyle
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Behaviorally targeted advertising is taking a blow from privacy advocates, with a series of lawsuits against top companies tracking surfers persistently
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Researchers at UC Berkeley found that Kissmetrics, a sort of Google Analytics on crack, uses sneaky methods to track users from one website to another, violating any user disablement of cookies.